December 24, 2009

That time of the year again

Morning, Sweetie!!! It's the holiday season and your Momma's feeling down again ... you know why.

Jason's coming home to stay. Says he's rather be homeless in CA than in CO and, especially in winter, I can see his point. Hopefully I can get him to transfer to a college with dorms so he'll have a place to live.

Sharisse hasn't decided what she's going to do. Dwayne's supposed to be out in Jan but then will be transported back here to serve his time. We'll see how that goes. She's always flip flopping in her plans but she can't do anything til maybe Feb. cuz good ole Mom ain't got no money since it went to Jason. Maybe I can get her to go to a college in WA in a larger state with dorms also.

I still have to finalize the legal separation papers for Housing but that will have to wait til Feb. also.

Only Allah knows what everyone's future is right now.

I know you're enjoying the holidays at Rainbow Bridge. Will Santa be visiting?


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