January 23, 2010

Sharisse is set ...

Just called me and she says she's 6 weeks pregnant. Guess God took it all out of everyone's hands, didn't He? LOL

Now she'll get cash aid from welfare and more once the baby is born. Don't know how Dwayne will react to this. Told her she doesn't have to tell him right away ... California's supposed to have til 2/7 to come get him. Not sure what's going to happen if they don't ... guess he'll be staying in WA. Joey's the father and his family is thrilled!!! I'm glad that his Mom is there ... Sharisse was using her phone to call me. Not sure how I feel about it. Told her I was withholding my total enthusiam til baby was born ... probably should have been more excited but I wasn't ... not sure why though. Will have to think on that for awhile. Maybe cuz she's so far away? Guess that's where my vacation money at work will be going next year (supposed be due 9/23 but that will change) as I do want to be with her when she delivers. Now the thought keeps replaying in my mind when I told her that I knew I would not die until she had her first child ... I would be there at the birth. Probably shouldn't have said that as now I'm thinking she might feel that once she has this one, I will be called home. Maybe she won't remember? At the back of my mind, I'm thinking the same thing.

Talk to you later.

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